New website for Chloé Graftiaux
To discover the lastest news about Chloé Graftiaux you will be able from now to connect on her new website. A good way to teach that Chloé is a various climber.
Last performance: a frozen stay in the Banff area (Canada) with a few days ice climbing and dry tooling.
See her on www.chloegraftiaux.com, a site developed by Belclimb.
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Competition 7th in Kranj, Anak Verhoeven ends up 4th of the World Cup 2014
Last weekend, it is with a 7th place in Kranj that Anak Verhoeven finishes her first adults international season. Being very regular, the Belgian finishes like she started. With a place in the final. Anak got a 4th place in the general ranking.
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Competition Loic Timmermans in silver at the Youth World Championships in Nouméa
Loic Timmermans ends in a perfect way his youth career. He has been on so many podium since he is a young kid and got this morning his last medal. During the Youth World Championship that took place in Nouméa, the Belgian ended in silver in Junior.