Bleau Open 2008, registration open
The Bleau Open Bouldering Sensation will take place next Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 of November. Sharpen your climbing shoes because that will again heat in the Bleau climbing gym of Ghent.
Do not delay either because the registrations start today. Three rounds are forecasted: Saturday morning and afternoon for those which want to run it soft. Sunday for the 50 best of 2007 and the wild cards.
The climbing holds will be changed between each session. Pasta bar, energy drink, happy tee-shirt and DJ for all the participants.
Register! http://bleauopen.belclimb.net
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Competition 7th in Kranj, Anak Verhoeven ends up 4th of the World Cup 2014
Last weekend, it is with a 7th place in Kranj that Anak Verhoeven finishes her first adults international season. Being very regular, the Belgian finishes like she started. With a place in the final. Anak got a 4th place in the general ranking.
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Competition Loic Timmermans in silver at the Youth World Championships in Nouméa
Loic Timmermans ends in a perfect way his youth career. He has been on so many podium since he is a young kid and got this morning his last medal. During the Youth World Championship that took place in Nouméa, the Belgian ended in silver in Junior.