Rock climbing
Carrière des Awirs (Awirs)
There are 135 routes
Difficulty 3 - 8
Rocher de Régissa (Vierset-Barse)
There are 63 routes
Difficulty 4 - 6
Rochers de Corphalie (Tihange)
There are 159 routes
Difficulty 2 - 7
Rochers de Moha (Wanze)
There are 31 routes
Difficulty 4 - 7
Porche de Roiseux (Marchin)
There are 26 routes
Difficulty 6 - 8
Rocher du Chateau de Chokier (Chokier)
There are 60 routes
Difficulty 3 - 6
Dalle de Beaufort (Ben-Ahin)
There are 10 routes
Difficulty 4 - 6
Rochers de Huccorgne (Huccorgne)
There are 7 routes
Difficulty 4 - 4
Poudingue d'Ombret (Ombret)
There are 0 routes
Rocher du Viaduc (Huccorgne)
There are 7 routes
Difficulty 4 - 5
Rochers du Bois de Fau (Andenne)
There are 0 routes
Rocher de Vyle et Tharoul (Pont-de-Bonne)
There are 20 routes
Difficulty 5 - 7
Rochers du Trou Manto (Ben-Ahin)
There are 0 routes
Carrière de l'abbaye (Flône)
There are 6 routes
Difficulty 4 - 6
Caverne des Romains (Ben-Ahin)
There are 0 routes
Carrière de Sirou (Seilles)
There are 0 routes
Tour en Bêche (Engis)
There are 0 routes
Rochers de la Poudrerie (Ben-Ahin)
There are 0 routes
Climbing forbidden
Dalle de Modave (Pont de Bonne)
There are 17 routes
Difficulty 3 - 7
Rocher de la Rochette (Villers-le-Temple)
There are 14 routes
Difficulty 3 - 5
Rocher des quatre tours (Sclaigneaux)
There are 1 routes
Difficulty 4 - 4
Roche aux Corbeaux (Modave)
There are 0 routes
Crags of touristical interest or without routes
Pierre Falhotte (Ombret)
There are 0 routes
There are 18 crags found in the area of Huy.
There are 556 with a difficulty of 6 to 8