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starting from zero

christina 3 1088 26-11-2011 20:55  

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starting from zero

hi everyone,

i'm completely new to climbing but would really like to learn. does anyone know of a climbing place in or around brussels where they offer classes? any other tips on becoming a climber?


[email protected]



12 posts



The best start is to just go and climb, assuming you know people that will take you with them. Preferably on some real rock instead of an artificial wall.
Outdoors you will get all that climbing is about. And if the people you are going with are experienced in introducing new people to climbing you will have a really good time and wont want to stop.
If you start in a gym you should take it easy! Gyms are often packed with people who are good and experienced climbers and what they do will look easy. Climbing a hard route can be very rewarding but not being able to climb something, that looks very easy when others do it, is equally demotivating. I have seen a lot of people coming to a climbing gym exactly once. You will fail on a climb eventually but that should not happen the first few times you go.
If you go regularly you are guaranteed to meet nice people and get better pretty quickly.

I do not know about gyms that offer courses in Brussels. If you just find climbing partners here you might just go with them. To start there is not too much to learn and gear can usually be rented or borrowed from the partner.



26 posts



If you don't know any experienced climbing people, best to try and convince a friend to accompany you to the climbing hall. If you go to Stone Age ( and tell them that you are not experienced yet, they will explain you the basics. That will get you started.