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Petzl Sama

A 5 stars harness?


Petzl Sama

Even though it doesn?t happen every day, this summer, we could see the sun a couple of times. In Belgium, we can?t complain. We have a mix of warm and cold days. The amount of rainy days is about the same as the amount of sunny days. Sometimes hot at noon, and cold in the evening. Climbing outdoors stays possible, thus a harness can be useful.

Petzl SamaPetzl recently answered to the call with a new series of harnesses. We took the Sama to test in every possible way. After three months of intense use we concluded that the Sama had everything we wanted.

The Sama in an ultra-light harness of 390 grams for the medium size. Only the Hirundos is lighter. The Selena, the Sama model for women, has the same good points. Besides of that the harness has the Frame Construction Technology witch offers a good maintenance for the bottom of your back but who also allows you to breath without any problem with its monofilament net (see the demonstration video). The large belt ? and comfortable - evacuates the sweat that usually appears when using a harness. You sweat in every case. Here it?s easily evacuated witch is even more pleasant. Also notice the now famous DoubleBack buckles system witch permits to close the belt quickly.

Concerning the freedom of movement I don?t notice any significant difference. Same thing for the material-holder. On these two points Petzl confirms once again how seriously they work on their harnesses.

Tijl in action

Petzl also introduced on all their harnesses reinforced parts for the knot. Thus the harness lasts longer witch is good since it?s your life that the harness takes care of. Petzl adds a small technical touch to ensure even more comfort. The leg have now elastics so that when you fall or when stopping on a big wall you feel just as if you were in your couch. Not a five star couch of course, but almost...

Technical details






The harness isn?t an excuse anymore for less freedom of movement ;)

Advised activities

Outdoor climbing


S ? XL, Selena for women




370 to 445 grams depending on the size

Public advised price

58,20 EUR

