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Black Diamond Spire Pole

Trekking sticks heading for the Ecrins


Black Diamond Spire poles

Trekking sticks appeared in mountain for some time now. They help on steep and rocky tracks, and offer a great relief during long descents. As a support or accessory for many of mountaineers and other adventurers Black Diamond decided to position itself on the market. During a stay in the Ecrins their best model, the ?Spire?, has been observed in every possible way.

Spire PoleThe first test didn?t wait very long. After 11 hours of road, we decide to go towards the Refuge of Soreiller to try ascension of the Dibona Needle the following day. Nevertheless one day of car before undertaking a walk of more than two and a half hours is not a sinecure. While walking I got to know my new friends: the first thing which stroked my eyes, the elliptic form. If that works, no idea. But what is sure, it is that the look is really good. The handles, manufactured with some sort of foam are positioned with a corrected angle of 15°. The advantage will appear later, because my wrists never hurt. Moreover, the coating extends on the tube witch makes them easier to handle on very steep paths. Even by strong heat, the handles are not wet. I wonder well if foam will not saturate in the long term. For such a model BD would have perhaps better done to use a cork handle.

The manufacturer on the other hand made the difference with its assembling system. At BD one should not inevitably adjust the two parts separately. One withdraws the lower tube until it is clicked in Autolock Binary System. One adjusts then the middle tube between 105cm and 140cm with the Flicklock. This system clicks the tubes quite simply together. I am curious to see whether they will remain in place under the pressure.
The excursion towards Soreiller is not difficult technically, but long and with many slopes. After the long ride by car lassitude is quickly felt. The sticks follow me on the dusty grounds or literally fasten me in rubble. The slipping stones of the rivers are spanned easily thanks to my two new legs. In the last part of walk we keep a high tempo and end up reaching the entry of the refuge after one hour three quarter. I note that one of the sticks slightly subsided. I ask whether it is due to the rise or all simply if something went wrong. For the moment I leave myself the advantage of the doubt.

The great test comes the following day when we begin the opposite way. After 300 meters of climbing in 4 hours we must go down again in the valley. Descent has never been my favorite activity. For this discipline I always counted on my trekking sticks. On the easy parts of the descent we maintain a good rhythm between fast walk and the race. I seldom place the sticks in the good places, but they maintain to me constantly on the path. With a well anticipated positioning, I can take fast turnings or cross sudden differences of uneven without hurting with my knees. I also notice that the Spires react in a very stable way under strong pressure. The tremors are tiny and I never have the feeling which they will give up on me.
Once arrived in the bottom of the valley, it is time for the second control. With my great disappointment, what I had predicted during the descent was confirmed: the sticks aren?t as tall as at the beginning. They lost about 10 centimeters under the pressure! I look at the Flicklock under the magnifying glass and I note that the grip can be tightened by a screw. (?That of which I had not realized !! ?). The sticks don?t show any weaknes. It could be interesting if BD communicated a bit better these tricks in order to avoid these kinds of disappointments for people who don?t pay much attention...

After a new excursion I am completely fixed with my new friends. They helped me the following days for the approach towards the Refuge of the Ecrins (5h), the ascension of the Rocher Paillon (corridor), the rise of the Dome of Snow and the descents which were followed from all these places. Even when I was in the corridor of 40°, I could not let them go: an ice axe in a hand, a Spire in the other. The Spire does not measure less than 68 cm at less and I still have some margin with the lengthened handle. When the path becomes a mixture of snow and rock a little further, I have to return them in my bag. 572 grams can be regarded as a cumbersome additional load. It is not however an excuse to leave these jewels at the refuge.

Maarten op de weg

It seems difficult even impossible not to fall completely in love with these sticks: they are light, stable, simple of use and they have a good look. For somebody of credit in mountain, and who would like to buy new sticks, it is on of the best option. And the small ones among us will not be disappointed: they can get the Spire Compact: smaller and even lighter with a maximum length of 125 cm.

Technical details






Long handle


Jealous glances

Advised activities



68cm ? 140cm




572 grams

Public advised price

99,90 EUR

